Will therapists be allowed to work with children?

To enable a smooth start and limit outside contact, there will be no therapists allowed on campus until after Sukkos. This policy will be updated at that time. 

Will students and staff have their temperature taken?

Every student and staff member will have their temperature taken each morning. Any student with a temperature of 100 or above will not be allowed in school.

If a teacher needs to be quarantined, who will teach the students?

We are preparing for that option by enabling the teacher to Zoom into the class and direct the learning activities. In addition, there will be a staff member present in the classroom to supervise. Children learning from home will be able to participate as well. 

If the Teacher cannot participate in this manner, a substitute will be brought in to teach.

After a positive Covid case, what type of test will LEC accept to enable the child to return?

For a return to school after a positive Covidresult will require a Nasal PCR test ONLY.

If a child exhibits Covid symptoms during the school day, what will the protocol be?

A child who is feeling ill and is experiencing two of COVID like symptoms or has a fever of 100 and above, all children in the family will be taken to our quarantine area to wait for their parents to pick them up. They can return to school once 10 days have passed from the onset of symptoms, or after receiving a negative test result.

Alternatively, they can come back once the child that wasn’t well-received a negative test result.

If I came in contact with a person, who was in contact with a person that tested positive for COVID, do I need to quarantine?

No, not unless the second party tests positive for COVID

Will the school require every student and staff member to get tested for COVID before the first day?

Yes. Staff and students from first grade and up will be required to be tested starting Aug 23. Any lab or medical establishments results will be accepted. No rapid tests that are not CLIA and EUA approved.

If the need arises, will LEC go completely online?

Should a situation arise that requires LEC to close our doors, we will transition to online learning.  If you do not wish to join the distance learning, tuition will be prorated from the time of the switch.

Who guides the School in making decisions related to Covid-19?

LEC set up an internal COVID task-force consisting of key staff members from various departments. The task force consults with Medical professionals to make suggestions and recommendations.