Will every classroom be outfitted with the technology for the online option?

At the start of the school year there will be a minimum of one class per grade that will be suited for the online option.

If my child needs to be quarantined, will they be able to join the online option?

Yes, they will be able to participate.

Is there an online option?

Yes! We have created a hybrid option for students joining from home. We have equipped classrooms with technology to allow students to Zoom into the classroom. Sign up is required for this option.


If a teacher needs to be quarantined, who will teach the students?

We are preparing for that option by enabling the teacher to Zoom into the class and direct the learning activities. In addition, there will be a staff member present in the classroom to supervise. Children learning from home will be able to participate as well. 

If the Teacher cannot participate in this manner, a substitute will be brought in to teach.