Early Childhood Serving Boys and Girls, Infants-Grade 1 LEC’s Early Childhood program is divided into three departments: Lubavitch Educational Center’s Early Childhood program forms the foundation for a child’s educational future. It is here where knowledge and awareness of our Jewish heritage are fostered, and it is here where children first acquire an enthusiasm and joy for all things Jewish. The heart of the Early Childhood program is the classroom—a warm and nurturing environment, structured to promote every aspect of a child’s growth. Stories, activities, and play all share a well-defined purpose in a child’s physical, intellectual, and emotional development. As a facilitator, role model, and guide, the teacher assists each child in his or her own process of discovery and learning. Opportunities for parent communication and involvement serve to strengthen and increase our shared goals and values. Parents whose exposure to Torah values is relatively recent soon discover that their child’s education can affect their family and their lives in a beautiful and meaningful way, resulting in a life-long commitment to Torah, our community, and Klal Yisroel.
Ages 6 weeks-2 years (Open to Staff Only)
Principal: Ms. Tzipora Elazar-Mota
[email protected]
Ages 3-4
Principal: Mrs. Bina Rosenblum
[email protected]
Pre-1a-Grade 1
Principal: Mrs. Tzivi Schurder
[email protected]