mivzah lulav at bal harbour shul

The hazan Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
mendel 5th grade (sasonko)

helped 10 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 10 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Mendel Gold uses every opportunity to help yidden with a mitzvah

The Mendel gold went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos, helped 2 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 2 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

On the way home from Shul we met a woman , who lives on our block, she said she did not bentch lulov. She said her grandmother didn’t either. We went to their house and helped them do the mitzvah . so proud!

Benyomin brings about renewal

The Marrus Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
benyamin 4c

helped 16 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 3 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Avraham lankri helps someone shake lulav for the first time in his life.

The Lankri Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
Avraham 309

helped 2 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 10 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

I went on miftzoyim and saw a not religious guy I asked him did you ever shake lulav and he said no, I asked him do you want to shake lulav and he said yes and I shook the lulav with him.

Gabi went with his family on the first day of Sukkos to Skylake mall and helped people make the brocha on the lulav

The Storfer Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
Gabi 1B

helped Yidden Bench Lulav, and 15 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Gabi went with his family on the first day of Sukkos to Skylake mall and helped people make the brocha on the lulav

david otero did mivtzoyim with seniors at shul

The otero Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
david 4b

helped 15 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 20 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

david otero helped a man who never shook the lulav and helped him say the brochos

We did mivtsaim to all our neighbors

The Labkowski Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
Yonatan 3A
Yesohua 2A

helped 50 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 29 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

We went this morning to our neighbor
He was so happy to see us !!

klein and unsdorfer kids walked 3 miles to do mivtzoim at a senior care facility

The Klein, Unsdorfer Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
Mendel, Lipe 1C

helped 60 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 30 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Mendel Spent much of his day helping others – So Proud!

The Garfinkel Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
Menachem Mendel 3b

helped 46 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Mendel made sure so many people said the brocha on his beautiful lulav set he recieved from school. He also went to a nearby medical center to help others make the brocha! Great Job Mendel!

Uryash Family help 72 at Mount Sinai Hospital Miami Beach

The uryash Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
Benny 2c
Roni 6a

helped 72 Yidden Bench Lulav.

We went to the hospital to visit sick people and help them shake lulav. There we met a lady and we helped her do the mitzva of lulav. We came back the next day and she was ready to go home BH.