Simchos Funded
for LEC Staff
The Simcha Fund
Every Simcha, Every Staff Member
LEC’s Keren Menachem Mendel Staff Simcha Fund is just one way our community gives back to our children’s dedicated teachers and support staff and show them we care. The fund provides a monetary gift to staff members when they celebrate a birth, wedding or bar mitzvah.
Donor Wall of 5785
- Tzvi Meir & Chayale Fellig
- Anonymous
- Overton Funding
- Anonymous
- Mendy & Chanie Fischer
- Yitzi & Chana Shimshoni
- Mendy & Chaya Fellig
- Chaim & Rochel Schochet
- Boruch & Chani Negin
- Zalmi & Leah Duchman
- Anonymous
- Yossi & Ayelet Bortunk
- Mayer & Sara Wayden
- Meir & Frumi Kessler
- Alan & Mushki Grand
- Mendy & Michal Korf
Donor Opportunities
- Founders $18,000+
- Partners $7,500
- Supporters $5,000
- Friends $1,800
It's never been easier to say mazel tov.
We’re proud to introduce a platform where parents can show their appreciation and send a gift to their children’s teachers directly, on the occasion of their simcha. Your gift will be in addition to the standard grant awarded by the Simcha Fund.
Select a staff member below to give them a gift:
- Mazal tov toRabbi & Mrs. Mendy Weiss on their son's bar mitzvah!
- Mazal tov toRabbi Yisroel Geisinsky on his son's bar mitzvah!
- Mazal tov toRabbi Emanuel Cohavi on the birth of a daughter!
- Mazal tov toRabbi & Mrs. Ehud Kwin on their daughter's wedding!
- Mazal tov toRabbi & Mrs. Yanky Wolowik on the birth of a daughter!
- Mazal tov toMrs. Chana Kornfeld on the birth of a son!
- Mazal tov toMrs. Sarah Licht on the birth of a son!
- Mazal tov toMrs. Sarah Blumenfeld on the birth of a son!
- Mazal tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Katz on the birth of a son!
- Mazal tov to Mrs. Channa Salazar on her daughter's wedding!
- Mazal tov to Mrs. Chani Tawil on her son's bar mitzvah!
- Mazal tov toMorah Chaya Bronstein on the birth of a daughter!
Gift Amounts
These gifts are made possible by the generous contributors of the Simcha Fund, in much appreciation of our devoted staff members.
Bar Mitzvah
(Tefillin Expense)
Full time staff member – $1,300
Part time staff member – $770
Full time staff member – $3,600
Part time staff member – $1,500
Birth of a Child
Full time staff member – $2,000
Part time staff member – $1,000