Went to the hospital

The gold mendel Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
Mendel Gold

Mendel Gold

Mendel Gold

helped 5 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Steinberg boys addicted to helping people bentch lulav and Esrog!

The Steinberg Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
6a Mendel Steinberg
5a Zalman Steinberg
1a Shalom Ber Steinberg

helped 18 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

On the first days of Succos, Yisrael doch walked to the old age home with his lulav and esrog

The Doch Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
Yisrael 3A

helped 7 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Visiting members of our community with the Succah Mobile

The Doch Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
Yisrael 3a

helped 12 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 6 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Nati went with a group around their community and shook lulav and esrog

The Glazer Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
Nati Glazer

helped 16 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Schurder and Bonnardels take Times square :-)

The Schurder Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
Levi 1a

Mendel 2b

helped 18 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Schapiro kids bring the mitzvah of lulav and esrog to an artist.

The Schapiro Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
mendy 3c

helped 1 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 0 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Mivtzoyim with Tatty @ the shops

The Young Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture (2mb limit)
Yossi Young
Yisroel Young
Moishy Young

helped 80 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

I did mivtzoyim with many people

The antian Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
rami 2c

helped 50 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 50 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

i went to worck and i did mivtzoyim with people that cam
and i went to the hospetol to do mivtzoyim by rami antian

Mendel came to Realease time and made sure all the kids and their parents made a Bracha

The altein Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture
menachem Rabbi Engel

helped 45 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.