Andrusiers went to an assisted living facility to bring Yom tov joy to the residents.

The Andrusier Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
Netanel 1
Naama 3A

Helped 30 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 10 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

We went to the old age home and sang and danced for the old people. And we shook lulav with them.

Lelinger lamplighters

The Lelinger Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
Yehuda 5c

Helped 150 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 10 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Lelinger lamplighters

The Lelinger Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
Dovber 3a
Chaya 2b

Helped 140 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 2 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Lelinger lamplighters

The Lelinger Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
Dovber 3a
Chaya 2b

Helped 140 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 2 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Miriam Rivka Dalfin on Mivtzoim

The Dalfin Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
Miriam Rivkah 4B

Helped 20 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 20 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

I went to different restaurants

The Rotenstein chaim Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
Chaim 5

Helped 260 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

People asked why we have so many aravos and we explained how it’s a Chabad minhag

I went to different restaurants

The Rotenstein chaim Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
Chaim 5

Helped 260 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

People asked why we have so many aravos and we explained how it’s a Chabad minhag

sholom went on mivtzoyim throughtout yomtov as well as on cholhamoed, he also did mivtzoyim at the hospital

The posner Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
sholom grade 6 a

Helped 50 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 30 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

sholom went to westside hospital to bench lulav and esrog with some patients there. some of the patients there had not benched lulav for over 13 years and they were so thankful they had the mitzvah to bench this year.
at the sukkah party sholom benched with many people who had never benched lulav.
in our complex where sholom lives a man was visiting his family from Isreal. the man really wanted to bench lulav on yomtov but he didnt have one. sholom visited this family and benched with them on yomtov and convinced them to come to the sukkah party at chabad.

shmully encouraged us to invite as many ppl possible to come to our sukka

The brody Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
shmully 6b

Helped Yidden Bench Lulav, and 101 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Inspiring others

The Derhi Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class
Sarah 6C
Binyamin 3B
Pinchas 1

Helped 11 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 4 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

We were driving when we saw a man who was just in the middle of building a sukkah ,we all ran out of the car and helped him build the sukka. After we finished he was very happy and then we helped him shake lulav and esrog in his very own sukka .It really inspired him!