Dovid on Mivtoyim at Publix

The Bialestock Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Dovid 4c

helped 9 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 1 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Dovid went on Mivtoyim at Publix. One man was so happy he was there because he forgot to bentch lulav and esrog that day. Another lady said “he made her day”

Sossonko kids bring smiles to old age home and supermarket

The Sossonko Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Sholom 2B

helped 121 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 3 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

They met a holocaust survivor. Also one lady insisted Sholom give her a kiss. He agreed only for the sake of mivtzoim. He told one man “in this zchus may you get out of this mess”

The Cohen’s have fun helping people

The Cohen Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos, helped 5 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 20 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Yossi helps people shake the Lulav

The Holtzberg Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Yossi 6a

helped 35 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 35 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

At Yossi’s brothers Upshurnish Yossi helped 35 People Shake the Lulav and make a Bracha in the Sukkah

Gabi visited the nursing home!

The Storfer Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Gabi 1B

helped 2 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

This was on the second day of Yom Tov at the big sukkah at the shul of Bal Harbor.

The Benichou Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Isaac 3C

helped 2 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 2 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

After davening and everyone was eating at the kiddush on the giant Sukkah at the Shul of Bal Harbour, I assisted 2 people with the mitzvah.

Eli and Tzvi Bogomilsky- mivztoim in Manhattan

The Bogomilsky Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Eli Tzvi

helped 15 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 15 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Mivztoim in midtown Manhattan

From office to office Mendel took the mitzvah everywhere

The Garfinkel Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Mendel 3b

helped 6 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Was very special as we went the wrong address for an appointment but low and behold we met a lady who hadn’t yet shaken Lulav and Mendel helped her and many others

Yossi Waks built a sukkah for a family who would have never ate in a sukkah

The Waks Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Yossi Waks

helped Yidden Bench Lulav, and 5 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

A 5 year old boy made a project in school saying ” we are getting ready to eat, my dad can’t build a sukkah so Rabbi Shmaya (and his kids) have to.”

Kozlovsky family doing mivtzoim at the old age home and with the neighbors.

The Kozlovsky Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Shimmy 3a

helped 11 Yidden Bench Lulav, and Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

There was a man that survived the holocaust, he had a number on his arm.
When my brother started to sing Avinu Malkeinu he responded Chaneinu Vaaneinu!