It was tea time at LEC for girls in grades 6 to 8 and their mothers. Organized by Bnos leaders Chani Dalfin, Shainy Kagan and Devorah Leah Korf, the event brought mothers and daughters together for an interesting and varied program. Beginning with a dvar Torah on the parsha, the gathering was welcomed by Mrs. Chani Gansburg, a shlucha and parent in the school, and her 7th grade daughter Chaya’le. Together they made the parsha come alive. A video presentation of the many activities that have taken place so far this year was put together by student Tzivi Rabin and enjoyed by everyone. The creativity of the participants was brought out by a pottery painting activity. We are grateful to Mrs. Levana Hashem for providing the pottery and decorating supplies. Much thanks also go to Shayna Bortunk and Rochel Gordon for beautifully setting up the room.