Eli Rabin Shaking the Town with His Lulav & Esrog!

The Rabin Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

First Name Class Picture (2mb limit)
Eli 6A
Shaina 3A

helped 74 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 130 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

On each day of Yom Tov Eli walked around our community for a few hours and shook Lulav with as many people as he could. On Chol Hamoed he made a poster and went to get more people to do the mitzvah and take a selfie as well. While we were outside shaking with others, a lady was unloading her shopping from her car and said, “Hey, can I do that too?”, She was Jewish as well and she was so excited, she did the mitzvah, we took the selfie, and she then proudly sent it to all her family!

In another house, the boy was off the play soccer with his team and was running late but we got him to stop, shake and then get a selfie before running off – He was so excited and so was his entire family!

At another family, we shook the lulav and then danced with them. The father who was quite old and frail, got up and danced as if he was a young boy again. He was so uplifted and was smiling ear to ear. He is 83 years old.