How will drop off work? Will it be different?

Drop off will take longer than usual as fewer students will be carpooling. There will be no students congregating outside during this time. 

A detailed plan for a smooth drop off for all students will be posted when finalized.

Who will be required to wear masks?

IN A CLASSROOM: Teachers will generally require/encourage students to wear masks when possible. Teachers are aware of the hardship of wearing a mask. and will provide responsible adjustments and breaks to the students for comfort and individual needs.

OUT OF CLASSROOM: All students and staff in grades one and above, will be required to wear masks within the building.

What is the protocol if someone at LEC tests positive for COVID?

Anyone who tests positive for COVID will have to be quarantined for 10 days without symptoms or have a negative Nasal PCR test result in order to return to school.

If someone in school tests positive for COVID, anyone who had direct contact with them (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes irrespective of whether the person with COVID or the contact was wearing a mask) will have to be quarantined for 14 days or until a negative test result from a test administered day 5 from last contact. 

We will consult with our medical professionals in each specific case.