It was really fun to help other Jews fulfill the mitzvah. It was nice to see them smile.

The Reiner Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Shmuel Reiner 5b

helped 24 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 17 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

I helped an elderly man with lulav. The man then called his wife to do lulav as well. She was very sweet and asked us questions about our shul. Then my friend Levi”s five year old brother took his brother’s and my yarmulkah and shoved it in her face and screamed, “These are yarmulkahs!” The lady laughed.

Eli Rabin takes the Lulav around town

The Rabin Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Eli 6A

helped 77 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 38 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Eli went around towwn with his lulav. We came to Costco and by the return s could get the lady was so excited to see the lulav and she shook it right there in sight of everyone. She even explained to the other workers around her what it was. One person even said to her, “I did not even know you were jewish!”

Mivtzoim on on our family trip

The Lipskier Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Mendy 2-C

helped 7 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 5 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Mendy reached out to our neighbor across the street and made sure he bentched lulav almost every day

Michael Chaim invites neighbors after their sukkah broke on Yom Tov

The Livaev Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Michael chaim Livaev

helped 6 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 6 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Michael Chaim forgot to take a picture with one of the people he shook the lulav with so he went back the next day to the same person and got him to bench Lulav again.

Benching Lulav and Esrog

The Cheruty Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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helped 85 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 75 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Benching Lulav and Esrog

The Cheruty Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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helped 85 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 75 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Kinigsberg family inspiring Jonathan who is visiting from spain

The Kinigsberg Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Asher kinigsberg Charna kinigsberg

helped 1 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 3 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Jonathan lives in spain but he came to fl for vacations With his family. He is married to my moms cousin and one day during chol amoed we invited them to our sukka so that they could experience eating a meal in the sukka . We helped them say the brochos and they were really happy and thankful Because the last time they ate in a suka was many years ago

Went to nursing home to say bracha with people that couldn’t go to the sukkah

The Baires Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Kaleb 4A

Nathaniel 4A

Betzalel pre1A

helped 3 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 0 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

We went to the nursing home we helped 3 women say the bracha, my father took several pictures but by accident we erased them,
but could only get 1 picture.
We felt so proud to help other jews say the bracha of lulav
We felt happy our father took us tot the nursing home, First we went to the hospital to visit the children but the staff didn’t allow us to go up staris,
this was heartbroken because we really wanted to see the other children.

Dechter family takes Lulav and esrog to the streets of NY.

The Dechter Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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helped 2 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 0 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

Yehuda Lipskar doing mivtzoim with our own chef shlomo

The lipskar Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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Yehuda Lipskar 1a

helped 30 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 10 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.