Stood by Palm Beach Publix Exit and encouraged Jews to shake Lulav as we greeted by saying “shalom aleyhim”

The Carroll Family went on Mivtzoyim During Sukkos,

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helped 10 Yidden Bench Lulav, and 2 Yidden make a Bracha לישב בסוכה.

My family and I went to Palm Beach, FL for mivtzoyim . my mom has a close friend, we call Auntie Leah, that lives there near Rabbi Levitan and Rabbi Shiner’s communities. We went to Publix and waited for people to come out, trying to see who we thought were Jewish. We greeted people by saying, “shalom alecheim” to see their reactions then asked if they’d like to shake the lulav. There was one man, obviously not religious, who told us he was from NY, visiting his mother. He made a point of telling us that he had gone to Yeshiva up until the eighth grade. He seemed moved by doing the mitzvah of shaking the lulav. As we were greeting other people, we could see as he was sitting in the distance waiting for his mother that he may be thinking about his Yiddishkeit. He actually shared this with our friend and he came back now wanting his mother to do the mitzvah as she came out of the store. This man gave us tzedakah for our yeshiva. We asked him what his Jewish name was , but he only mentioned his granddaughter, Olive bas Golda as someone we should keep in mind.
Another special story I’d like to tell share is about a Holocaust survivor who is the mother of a friend of Auntie Leah .We actually heard a little about her story at a Shabbos table a few months ago. This women happened to be coming out of Publix while we were doing mitzoyim. and shook the lulav with us. We learned that she was the only child survivor,( age 6-7 ) at the camp she was in. It turned out that the Nazi soldiers had miscalculated the number of children to be sent to the gas chamber and she escaped, able to run away to safety. She has recently been telling her story , now she’s in her 80’s.