In the summer of 5782, the LEC community went into shock and mourning over the untimely passing of three-year-old Sholom Tauber, a beloved student, son of longtime educators at our school. Sholom’s tragic passing touched us all deeply.
Two years later, on Yud Beis Elul, we joyfully celebrated Sholom’s life and legacy by completing a new sefer Torah in his memory, in a beautiful siyum and hachnasas sefer Torah hosted by the Tauber family. Surrounded by family and community, the last letters were written, and where Sholom’s precious neshama ascended on high,
a new Torah was born.
Proudly bearing flaming torches, the students of our boys schools led an exuberant parade to the beat of our Elementary School’s marching band, around our flagship campus. The Torah was welcomed with spirited hakafos and hours of dancing, followed by a seudas mitzvah.
“The Torah itself is uplifting us,” said Sholom’s mother, Mrs. Nechama Tauber, at the event. “We are all experiencing the achdus, the joy, the comfort, and the healing that only Torah can provide.”
Photos by Rivkah Laber and Levik Hertzel