Boys Division
Learning comes to life at LEC! From Rashi skills to math skills to social skills, our focus is always on developing both the minds and characters of our students so that they continue on a path of inspired and joyful learning, and spread their light onwards.

Grades 2-5
Boys Elementary School
Through a combination of high-level instruction, experiential learning, and a close rapport with their Rebbeim, students are stimulated to excel in both their learning and middos. Mastering the rudiments of Chumash, Gemara, and Halacha, integrating Chabad philosophy, and meeting national benchmarks in general studies are all part of our overarching goal of producing proud and proficient ambassadors of Yiddishkeit.

Grades 6-8
Boys Middle School
As our students reach the age of bar mitzvah, maturing from boys into bochurim, our skilled mechanchim are there to help them transition with wisdom and experience. Over the years, students become thoroughly proficient in core Jewish subjects and textual skills while enjoying extracurricular activities. Special programming and farbrengens for every Chassidishe yom tov fosters spiritual growth and camaraderie.

Grades 9-11
Klurman Yeshiva High School
KYHS nurtures in our students a commitment to a Torah-centered life, infused with the teachings of Chassidus, while challenging students with a rigorous academic curriculum to prepare them as future community leaders. Our comprehensive extracurricular offerings, including Shabbatons, trips, farbrengens, volunteering opportunities, and mentorship, aim to instill in students a deep love for Hashem, His Torah, and His people.

Shiur Alef – Gimmel
Mesivta Lubavitch Miami
Our Mission
Mesivta provides an immersive, warm and structured environment that encourages every bochur to blossom in their Yiddishkeit with the guidance of highly-skilled maggidei shiurim and mashpi’im. Farbrengens and special mivtzas by bochurim-shluchim fosters spiritual growth and camaraderie. A newly-renovated dorm and amenities, beautiful mikvah, and nutritious meals allow our talmidim the space to thrive while extracurricular niggunim music lessons, safrus lessons, a basketball court, and periodic outings provide them with healthy outlets.
Conveniently located close to home, but within the environment of Tomchei Temimim and removed from external distractions, the bochurim are able to focus on their learning, mature with confidence and truly thrive in Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit. An optional general studies program offers 9th-12th grade courses required by the State of Florida.
Kindle Their Souls
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News & Updates
Boys Division Highlights

- January 2, 2025
- 100
LEC Staff Treated to Evening of Appreciation

- October 31, 2024
- 109