Mesivta Lubavitch Miami
Frequently Asked Questions
A bochur who is looking to grow in his Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit, and develop his knowledge, understanding, and התמדה in Torah learning, will find that our Mesivta is the perfect setting to empower and enable his growth.
Learning never ends! Shiurim take place from 7:45 am to 9:00 pm. (Friday and Shabbos have a different schedule).
שיעור א will be learning מסכת סוכה and שיעור ב-ג will be learning the מסכת of the תומכי תמימים cycle with the 5785 year being גיטין.
Davening in Mesivta is a sight to behold! The bochurim daven במתינות, together, and מילה במילה. There is a fifteen-minute ביאור תפילה shiur every day before davening, teaching the simple and deeper meanings of the נוסח התפילה.
The biggest reward for learning is the learning itself. In addition to יחוד נפלא with Hashem that is strengthened through learning ’תורת ה, a bochur who is diligent in his learning feels fulfilled, confident, and successful. There are also rewards given per דף for learning the גמרא בפנים as well as שקלא וטריא. There are also trips, raffles, and prizes for learning various additional subjects throughout the month.
Sichos are learned daily. Bochurim learn with the assistance of a לקוטי שיחות dictionary. Lessons are designed to enable them to acquire a mastership of the language and the style unique to Sichos.
Farbrengens take place on every יומא דפגרא, on or in close proximity to a bochur’s birthday, as well as on Shabbos. Farbrengens are held only with the leadership of a member of הנהלה. It is absolutely forbidden at any time for a bochur to drink any amount of mashke.
Yes, an optional general studies program runs through the afternoon hours.
The Yeshiva field and basketball court is accessible during any recess or break time. Mesivta supplies footballs, basketballs, and other sports equipment.
We have a fully-equipped game room with ping-pong, pool, and foosball tables, and various board games. The game room is open and supervised daily during the longer breaks and is also granted regularly as a reward for exceptional learning and הנהגה.
Many! The bochurim thrive on various programs including after-seder learning, a large seforim and book library, hundreds of Rebbe videos on demand in our Zal, mivtzoim, and mivtzas from our Shluchim. Many of these programs are independently incentivized.
Transportation is provided a few times a week to go shopping. Trips to swimming, on mivtzoim, and to parks are periodically arranged.
Yes, and it’s a beautiful trip that fosters much growth.
Mesivta provides weekly transportation to and from stores like Walmart, Target, and Publix. The bochurim are not permitted to go to the local stores at any time.
Bochurim go home once or twice a month for Shabbos. On the week of an off-Shabbos, seder ends on Friday at 1:00 pm and talmidim return to yeshiva on Motzei Shabbos.
The only cell phone the bochurim are allowed to have is the yeshiva-approved cell phone with the yeshiva-approved plan. They are the pre-kashered phones that are bought from These phones are equipped with talk and text capabilities only. No other cell phones are permitted. All internet or radio-capable devices are prohibited. Only music players that do not have a radio, internet access, or an SD card slot are allowed. Upon arrival at yeshiva, a talmid who has a cell phone or music player must turn it into the office to be registered and approved. All electronics are subject to be searched by the hanhala at any time.
Yes. A bochur who lives in the Mesivta dormitory experiences a 24/7 yeshiva environment.

Apply Today
Step #1
Thank you for considering Mesivta Lubavitch Miami as the choice of yeshiva for your son. We are appreciative that you are willing to entrust us with your child’s education and care.
Complete and submit these forms:
Parent Pre-Application Form
Talmid Self-Evaluation
Upload the two most recent report cards
Step #2
Once the forms are submitted, the yeshiva’s hanhala will notify you whether or not the talmid should prepare for a farher (interview).
After the farher, please allow a few weeks for the hanhala to respond regarding acceptance.
Step #3
Once a talmid is accepted by the hanhala, they then proceed with standard registration on the LEConnect app.
Please note:
- Our space for Shiur Aleph is limited to thirty spots. Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Even if the talmid is already registered on the LEConnect app, they are still required to complete the above pre-application process.
Application Fees:
- There is a pre-application fee of $100, separate from the registration fees on the LEConnect app.
- From February 1, an additional $100 late fee will be applied to the pre-application.