The fresh, bright, paint had barely finished drying when the students and staff of Klurman Yeshiva High School thronged into their new school campus for another year of academic learning and spiritual growth. A new campus for the new year of a relatively new division (now in its third year!) demanded the appropriate recognition. And so, on the auspicious day of Tes Vov Elul, when Tomchei Temimim was originally established by the Rebbe Rashab, the move was celebrated in a grand chanukas habayis.
With a lavish lunch, live music, and lechayim, the site was formally named the ‘Zimerman Campus’ with deep gratitude to the generosity of Mr. & Mrs. Eitan and Jennifer Zimerman. Also present were LEC supporters Mr. Avi Shaulson, and Mr. David Schottenstein; architect Mr. Jaime Shapiro; and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah Rabbi Leib Schapiro.
“Tomchei Temimim means ‘supporting sincerity,’” said Assistant Principal Rabbi Nochum Schapiro. “Chassidus places emphasis on serving Hashem with sincerity. Hashem wants our hearts, each on our own level, as a way to connect with Him. And that’s our goal here in our yeshiva: offering our hearts and sincerity to Hashem and His Torah.” Students Benny Uryash and Evyatar Cohen also spoke at the event, drawing from the mitzvah in that week’s parsha, bikurim, lessons in gratitude and unity.
“KYHS is not just a school for me,” said Cohen. “It’s a place where I have been able to grow my Yiddishkeit and embrace my identity as a Jew.”