School News

School News

60 Heads of Schools Tour Lubavitch Educational Center’s Boys Schools

Over sixty principals, heads of schools, and administrators from across the US visited Lubavitch Educational Center in Miami and toured the school as part of a two-day kinus organized by the Menachem Education Foundation.  Escorted by LEC’s principals, participants visited classrooms and spoke with educators in the school’s twenty-eight boys classes in grades one through eight, where they learned about their systems, special programs, and educational philosophies. Following the tour was a special session featuring workshops by several LEC staff. …
School News

Classroom Dedicated in Tribute to Morah Leah Barouk, a”h

In honor of the 70th birthday of LEC’s dear Morah Leah Barouk, of blessed memory, her family generously dedicated classroom 101 and named it “Morah Leah’s Classroom” in her honor. Morah Leah will forever be remembered as a longtime and beloved educator in LEC’s Preschool where she lovingly educated generations of students for over 30 years. What a beautiful and meaningful tribute! Thank you, Barouk and Steinberg Families! …
School News

WATCH: Student Reunites With Teacher Who Changed Her Life

Alumni of Lubavitch Educational Center Salute Mrs. Shevi Sossonko Raizy Gersh Iskowitz now lives in Israel, but she flew to her once-hometown of Miami, Florida just to say thank you to her former teacher. “I joined Landow Yeshiva, now Lubavitch Educational Center, from public school at the end of 1995,” she remembers in a video shown at LEC’s Gala Dinner in February. Iskowitz says her home life was chaotic and unstable, her and her siblings ending up in various foster …
School News

WATCH: The Teacher Who Walked 3.5 Miles to Bring His Student to Shul Every Shabbos

Alumni of Lubavitch Educational Center Salute Rabbi Yaakov Roth It was the 1970s and Mark Russo, five years old, had just moved to Miami. “Our family did not have much money,” he remembers, “and the only school that would accept me was Landow Yeshiva, now Lubavitch Educational Center.” The budding school was still in its infancy and most of the students were children from unaffiliated backgrounds. “No school would take them,” Russo says, “but Chabad never turns anyone away.” A …
School News

WATCH: When Rabbi Benjy Korf’s Car Breaks Down, LEC Girls Come to the Rescue

Experience the present and future of South Florida’s Jewish girls in a spirited tour with Rabbi Korf and the staff and students of Lubavitch Educational Center When your institution is one of the largest Jewish schools in the US, you’re going to need multiple campuses to house all the students. Lubavitch Educational Center of Miami has four, with another currently under renovation. But with over 2,300 students enrolled from early childhood through Yeshiva Gedolah, and over 400 staff members to …
School News

Carousel of Progress, LEC Dinner 5785

800 staff, parents, and supporters celebrate ‘A Beautiful Tomorrow’ at Miami’s Lubavitch Educational Center annual dinner  “It’s a great, big, beautiful tomorrow…” In the expansive ballroom of the Miami Beach Convention Center, over 800 people applauded the past, present and future of South Florida’s Jewish education at Lubavitch Educational Center’s gala dinner last week.  Beginning with remarks by Rabbi Leib Schapiro of Yeshiva Gedolah of Miami (est. 1973), and interspersed with performances by singers Shulem Lemmer and Shlomo Simcha, attendees …
School News

WATCH: Shlomo Simcha Collabs with Miami’s LEC on New Music Video

Over 1,200 students of Lubavitch Educational Center’s Early Childhood and Boys Elementary and Middle Schools in Miami came together to produce an exciting new music video that puts an original tune to the pesukim that correspond to the first and last letters of the Rebbe’s name, which are traditionally recited at the conclusion of Shemoneh Esrei. Debuted at the LEC Dinner on February 25, the video follows a student who can’t remember the pesukim. Thankfully, his teacher (singer Shlomo Simcha) …
School News

LEC Staff Treated to Evening of Appreciation

Teachers and staff of Lubavitch Educational Center’s schools were treated to a special Chanukah men’s evening of appreciation at the home of LEC parents and supporters Mendy and Chani Fischer. The event was organized by the school’s Simcha Fund, which provides financial gifts to staff members on the occasion of their simchas. “LEC has incredible staff members across eleven girls and boys divisions,” said Associate Head of School Rabbi Yossi Zavdi, who administers the Simcha Fund. “They are the heart …
School News

We’re Expanding!

LEC is proud to announce the erev Chai Elul purchase of 4.5 acres adjacent to Campus Chaya Mushka! With our classrooms filled to capacity, the addition of 54,000 square feet will allow us to continue to ensure that every Jewish child receives a Jewish education, as we were tasked by the Rebbe, without turning anyone away due to lack of space. Thanks to your kind generosity, our school raised over $2.6 million toward the down payment! We are now working …
School News

Miami’s Lubavitch Educational Center Goes Into Contract for 4.5 Acre Expansion

When your institution is the largest Jewish school in the US outside the tri-state area, you’re going to need multiple campuses to house all the students. Lubavitch Educational Center has three, with two more currently under renovation. But with over 2,300 students enrolled from early childhood through Yeshiva Gedolah for the upcoming school year, and over 400 staff members to lead them, even these five aren’t enough. “We’re bursting at the seams,” says Head of School Rabbi Benjy Korf. “Every …