Carousel of Progress, LEC Dinner 5785

800 staff, parents, and supporters celebrate ‘A Beautiful Tomorrow’ at Miami’s Lubavitch Educational Center annual dinner 

“It’s a great, big, beautiful tomorrow…”

In the expansive ballroom of the Miami Beach Convention Center, over 800 people applauded the past, present and future of South Florida’s Jewish education at Lubavitch Educational Center’s gala dinner last week. 

Beginning with remarks by Rabbi Leib Schapiro of Yeshiva Gedolah of Miami (est. 1973), and interspersed with performances by singers Shulem Lemmer and Shlomo Simcha, attendees hopped onto the virtual “Carousel of Progress” as they traveled back in time to experience the incredible story of LEC. The journey that began decades ago, in 1967, in the most unexpected of places: a fish market. It was there that, at the directive of the Rebbe, LEC was opened with just seven children and a handful of devoted educators who dared to dream. And against all odds, that small spark has ignited into a thriving institution of 35,000 students since its inception.

“It’s incredible to see where we came from and how much we have grown,” says Rabbi Benzion Korf, head of school. “But it’s even more exciting to see what a bright future awaits us, thanks to the dedication of our phenomenal staff members and generous supporters.”

The highlight of the evening came after two inspiring presentations that featured several alumni remembering the tremendous impact their teachers had back when they were students in the nascent school decades ago, and how they changed the course of their lives today. After each of the videos, the alumni themselves appeared onstage sparking an emotional reunion with their beloved educators. There was not a dry eye in the room as Mr. Mark Russo and Mr. Hal Whechter reunited with longtime teacher Rabbi Yaakov Roth, and Mrs. Rayzel Gersh Itzkowitz, who flew in from Israel, with her principal Mrs. Shevi Sossonko and teacher Mrs. Angela Capurso. “If it wasn’t for Morah Shevi, I don’t think I would be here today,” said Itzkowitz. 

School parents and supporters Mendel and Reut Pinson were honored at the event for their generous sponsorship of one of the four new buildings on LEC’s girls campus—recently expanded with a 4.5 acre purchase earlier this year. Incredibly, another building was generously sponsored on the spot by Avi and Brochie Shaulson, longtime supporters of the school.

In lieu of the usual feature by the LEC Boys Choir, a group of alumni, now community leaders in their own right, some of whom flew in for the event, wrapped up the program with a throwback musical performance. Thank you, alumni Rabbi Menachem Amar, Rabbi Menachem Elkayam, Rabbi Sholom Ber Korf, Rabbi Mendel Spalter, Ron Benhayoun, Rabbi Shalom Bonnardel, Yisroel Duchman, and Rabbi Yossi Caroline. Alumni and choir member Ari Shaulson also composed an original tune which he debuted at the event.

Also attending the event were elected officials including Miami-Dade Sheriff Rosie Cordero-Stutz, Miami-Dade Commissioner Oliver Gilbert, Miami Beach Mayor Steven Meiner, and Councilman Rafael Pineyro.

Lubavitch Educational Center thanks our staff, parents, and supporters for making this incredible event possible including producer Rabbi Yakov Garfinkel, coordinator Mrs. Ayelet Bortunk, creative director Mrs. Reena Goldberger, Ms. Shayna Bortunk, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Korf, Rabbi Mendy Korf, Rabbi Mendy Katz, Rabbi Sholem Kleinman, Rabbi Menachem Tauber, Rabbi Moishy Korf, Mrs. Mussi Sharfstein, Mrs. Kayla Levy, Rabbi Mendy Shachar, Mrs. Melissa Korf, Mrs. Brocha Lipkind, Rabbi Zalman Myer Smith, Vision Live, Almighty Productions, Mrs. Raizy Davidsohn, Mrs. Chaya Reinitz, Uziel Naparstek and Zalman Turk.

Photos by Levik Hertzel, Video by Revision Media
